If i could pick two words to describe 2011 it would be 'Pretty'-'Shitty'
That would sum up my existence ... Reaching for those rainbows everyday, making the best out of what the big man upstairs fires out of his big round botty in the sky on a daily basis ....Not that i'm really religious, or a believer in anything remotely holy but this blog is all about those funny little moments in life when if you didn't laugh, you'd probably cry. When your shining that shit so hard you have to stop and wonder why your bothering or what it means...
So here's hoping 2012 will be the shiniest poop in the poo factory, the clagnut that clings on the longest and the trump of life that one day reaches its ploppy potential...
So in 2012 stay tuned for my 'nuggets' of hope or just to laugh at my misfortune... lets polish those turds of life together people...
Ho ho ho, Corrie just said "she doesn't polish the turds though does she, I thought that was your job", so I explained to him that this isn't a blog about JDs. Good work Miss, I cannot WAIT to see some trumpy nuggets plopping through the poophole... X